

Who we are

The Resilient Future Forests Laboratory (RFFL) is a global network of demonstration and research plots that cover large gradients of climatic and socio-economic condition. The RFFL network provides the foundation for transforming forests, landscapes, and land use to enhance provision of ecosystem services while providing greater resilience and adaptation under future conditions.

The RFFL is a vehicle for science-society and science-practice interactions to promote more productive and sustainable forms of landscape management, by engaging with stakeholders from the forestry and agriculture sectors, land managers and investors, as well as government decision-makers.


The RFFL will develop, document and communicate the opportunities and constraints of forestry, forest restoration and good use of wood in a transition towards renewables and a sustainable development. It will address the needs of people while securing and developing the multiple functions and services provided by forests. We approach governments, organizations, foundations and people who acknowledge these potentials and will support this initiative.


The Resilient Future Forests Lab provides science-based but operationally realistic methods, sensitive to local context, for adapting forest ecosystems to emerging climatic and social conditions. RFFL informs society, landowners, land managers, and policy-makers of the consequences of choosing between alternative objectives and strategies for managing forested landscapes.

What we hope to accomplish in the long-term

The Resilient Future Forests Lab will establish a global network of demonstration and research landscapes that documents, demonstrates, and supports implementation of innovative silvicultural and restoration methods grounded in operational practice and applied science.

Forest research in all parts of the world has a rich legacy of field trials including long-term experiments and demonstration sites covering the entire lifespan of forest stands – inter alia under the auspices of IUFRO.

RFFL to become a global network of FLR demonstration experiments

Aim to create a platform for communication, documentation and development of practices

Collaboration with IUFRO member organizations

Demonstration sites and experiments address key forest restoration issues and document potentials and outcomes towards building resilient forest landscapes
Photo credit: Palle Madsen

Expected outputs

  • A network of partners who contribute to the overall objectives of the platform, establish RFFL demonstration and research locations that address and visualise mutually accepted management objectives and criteria, and share data and information with other participants as well.​
  • Multiple ecosystem services beyond e.g., wood production, carbon sequestration, erosion control, and biodiversity habitats may be evaluated depending upon local needs and site conditions (e.g., protection of water resources, amenity values and aesthetics, non-wood products, grazing by domestic stock, and game management).
  • Overall values estimated by techniques such as Total Economic Value will assist strategies, making trade-offs with full understanding of consequences.

We do this by

Addressing key local questions related to management of forest landscapes; Demonstrating innovative silvicultural techniques – e.g. around nursery techniques, stock type selection, improving soil moisture, reducing impact of grazers; Testing new plant materials – provenances, species; Utilizing new sensors and monitoring/inventory techniques to document benefits; Communicating and openly sharing information locally, regionally, and globally to improve public understanding, engagement, ownership, and decision making among all stakeholders involved.


Multifunctional forest landscape platform


Innovative solutions


50 hectares


Inventory and monitoring technology

  • A development platform based on multifunctional forested landscapes, separated functionally at the stand-level installing operational scale plots (min. 0.5 hectare) in statistically sound designs with replications, and possibly a nested plot design, too.

  • Each RFFL location visualizes and compares:
      • Innovative solutions
      • Business as usual (BAU)
      • Do nothing
  • Each RFFL location should reach an area of min. 50 hectares to ensure a scale of relevance and persistence.
  • Locations use new and rapidly developing technology for frequent, cost-efficient yet high-resolution inventory and monitoring.


InNovaSilva, ApS, Vejle, Denmark

IUFRO-SPDC (Special Programme for Development of Capacities), Vienna, Austria

Research and Production Center for Forest Research, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

Forestry Research Institute of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Center for Forest Disturbance Science, US Forest Service, Athens, Georgia USA

Center for Bottomland Hardwood Research, US Forest Service, Starkville, Mississippi USA
